Identity Manager API


Identities are managed employing a token-based access. A full dynamic view for the usage of the identity manager is provided here.

Full documentation here.

IdentityManager Interface

This is the main class that allows Hyperties to discover associated identities.


messageBus: MiniBus interface to send and receive message, using postMessage and addListener

runtimeURL: the Runtime URL

domain: the runtime domain

hypertyURL: the URL of the Hyperty that is using this library.


constructor(hypertyURL: HypertyURL, runtimeURL: RuntimeURL, msgBus: MiniBus)

hypertyURL: the URL of the Hyperty that is using the Identity Manager library.

runtimeURL: the Runtime URL where the Hyperty is executing

msgBus: MiniBus interface to send and receive message, using postMessage and addListener

discover associated Identity

This function allows to discover the User Identity associated to current Hyperty instance or to another Hyperty.

discoverUserRegistered(type?: string, hypertyURL: HypertyURL): Promise <UserURL>

type (optional): the User Identity information to be retrieved. If not provided, the full User Identity profile is retrieved.

hypertyURL: the URL of the Hyperty that the user identity discovery is queried to. If not provided it is assumed the discovery is for the Hyperty using the library itself.

return: Promise to the value of the discovered User Identity (that depends on the type parameter).