
This doc specifies Messages to be used to manage registrations in the Domain Registry, where,

  • <RegistryDataObject> is a JSON object compliant with RegistryDataObject data model.
  • <RegistryDataObjectURL> is the URL of the entity registered in the domain registry.
  • <registry-object-identifier> is a string that is part of the RegistryDataObject.url to uniquely identify the RegistryDataObject in its domain. In the Hyperty URL example hyperty:// , “1234-qwert” is the <registry-object-identifier>
  • <registry-object-type> is a string that identifies the type of registry object namely “hyperty” or “dataObject”.
  • <registry-object-url-scheme> is the URL Scheme used in the RegistryDataObject.url. In this RegistryOject URL example connection:// , “connection” is the <registry-object-url-scheme>
  • <userURL> is the user address compliant with UserURL data model. Example: user://
  • <guidURL> is the user guid address compliant with User GUID URL data model. Example: user-guid://1234456678dsgdjahsdg
  • <DiscoveredHypertyInstance> is a JSON object compliant with HypertyInstance data model.
  • <discoveredRegistryDataObjects> is a JSON object compliant with HypertyDataObjectInstance data model.
  • <filter> is an optional string that identifies how to filter search results. If not present, all results are returned. Possible values:
  • idp-identifier : only entries registered with User URL matching the idp-identifier provided in the query

Registration request

Message sent by the Hyperty Runtime Registry function to Registry Domain server.

"id" : 1
"type" : "create",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"body" : { "value" : <RegistryDataObject> }

Message sent by the Registry Domain server (Connector or Protostub) to Hyperty Runtime Registry function.

"id" : 1
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200 }

Unregistration request

Changed in Phase 2 Message sent by the Hyperty Runtime Registry function to Registry Domain server.

"id" : 4
"type" : "update",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"body" : { "resource": "/<registry-object-type>/<registry-object-identifier>", "value" : "disconnected", "attribute" : "status" }

Message sent by the Registry Domain server (Connector or Protostub) to Hyperty Runtime Registry function.

"id" : 4
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200 }

Publish Registration object status changed to disconnected

New in Phase 2 Message sent by the Domain Registry to Message Node.

"id" : 4
"type" : "update",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "<RegistryDataObjectURL>/registration",
"body" : { "value" : "disconnected", "attribute" : "status" }

Update Registration to Live

New in Phase 2 Message sent by the Hyperty Runtime Registry function to Registry Domain server.

"id" : 5
"type" : "update",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"body" : { "resource": "<RegistryDataObjectURL>", "value" : { "status": "live", "user": <userURL>, "p2pHandler": <p2pHandlerStubURL>} }

Reponse Message sent by the Registry Domain server to Hyperty Runtime Registry function.

"id" : 5
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200 }

Publish Registration object status changed to live

New in Phase 2 Message sent by the Domain Registry to Message Node.

"id" : 4
"type" : "update",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "<RegistryDataObjectURL>/registration",
"body" : { "value" : "live", "attribute" : "status" }

Subscribe to receive notifications about registration status changes

New in Phase 2 Message sent to Message Node subscription manager.

"id" : 4
"type" : "subscribe",
"from" : "<someone>",
"to" : "domain://msg-node.<sp-domain>/sm",
"body" : { "resources" : ["<RegistryDataObjectURL>/registration"] }

keep registration alive

Message sent by the Hyperty Runtime Registry function to Registry Domain server (Connector or Protostub).

"id" : 6
"type" : "update",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"body" : { "resource" : "<RegistryDataObjectURL>" }

Response Message sent back by the Registry Domain server to Hyperty Runtime Registry function.

"id" : "<6>"
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200 }

Registry Data Object search per User

Message sent to Registry Domain server to query about all active Hyperty instances or Data Object instances associated to a certain user. If

"id" : 2,
"type" : "read",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp1>"
"body" : { "resource" : "/<registry-object-url-scheme>/user/<userURL>", "criteria" : { "scheme": <registry-object-url-scheme> } }

Response Message returning the discovered Hyperty Instances

Message sent by Registry Domain server to an Hyperty Instance.

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200, "value" : ["<discoveredRegistryDataObjects>"] }

Registry Data Object search per GUID

Message sent the Registry Domain server to query about all active Registered instances associated to a certain GUID.

"id" : 2,
"type" : "read",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp1>"
"body" : { "resource" : "<GuidURL>", "criteria" : { "scheme": <registry-object-url-scheme> } }

Response Message returning the discovered Instances

Message replied by Registry Domain server.

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200, "value" : ["<discoveredRegistryDataObjects>"] }

Hyperty Instance Query per User URL and/or per resources and/or per Object Scheme

Message sent by an Hyperty Instance to Registry Domain server to query about all active instances associated to a certain user for some types of Hyperty Resources and data schemes.

"id" : 2,
"type" : "read",
"from" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp1>"
"body" : { "resource": "/<registry-object-url-scheme>/user/<userURL>", "criteria" : { "resources": ["<resources>"], "dataSchemes": ["<schema>"] }}

Response Message returning the discovered Hyperty Instances

Message sent by Registry Domain server (Connector or Protostub) to an Hyperty Instance.

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"body" : { "code": 200, "value" : ["<discoveredHypertyInstance>"] }

Hyperty Instance Query per User IDP Identifier and/or per resources and/or per Object Scheme

Message sent by an Hyperty Instance to Registry Domain server to query about all active instances associated to a certain user IDP identifier eg email, for some types of Hyperty Resources and data schemes.

"id" : 2,
"type" : "read",
"from" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp1>",
"body" : { "resource": "/<registry-object-url-scheme>/idp-identifier/<idp-identifier>", "criteria" : { "resources": ["<resources>"], "dataSchemes": ["<schema>"], "filter": "<filter>" }}

Response Message returning the discovered Hyperty Instances

Message sent by Registry Domain server (Connector or Protostub) to an Hyperty Instance.

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"body" : { "code": 200, "value" : ["<discoveredHypertyInstance>"] }

Query per Registry Data Object URL

Phase 2 new!

Message sent to get a certain Domain registry entry, Hyperty instance or Data Object instance.

"id" : 3,
"type" : "read",
"from" : "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"to" : "domain://registry.<sp1>",
"body" : { "resource": "<RegistryDataObjectURL>"}

Response Message returning the Registry Data Object

Message replied by Registry Domain server (Connector or Protostub).

"id" : 3
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" :  "hyperty-runtime://<sp-domain>/<runtime-instance-identifier>/registry",
"body" : { "code": 200, "value" : ["<RegistryDataObject>"] }

Registry Not Found Responses

Message sent by Registry Domain server to an Hyperty Instance when no entries are found for a query request.

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"body" : { "code": 404, "description" : "Not Found" }

Registry Not Found Responses

Message sent by Registry Domain server to an Hyperty Instance when no entries are found for a query request.

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"body" : { "code": 404, "description" : "Not Found" }

Registry Temporarily Unavailable Responses

Phase 2 new! Message replied by Registry Domain server when only entries are found for unavailable Hyperty Instances ( disconnected status).

"id" : 2
"type" : "response",
"from" : "domain://registry.<sp-domain>",
"to" : "hyperty://<sp-domain>/<hyperty-instance-identifier>",
"body" : { "code": 408, "description" : "Temporarily Unavailable", "value" : ["<discoveredHypertyInstance>"] }