Communication Data Object

Communication Data Model

Communication Data Object Model

The Communication Data Model is used to model the reTHINK Communications.

starting time: when communication is opened the first time

duration: period of time between the first “OPEN” status and the last “CLOSED” status.

status: status of the communication. See CommunicationStatus below

participants: list of participants in the Communication (see below)


domain: the domain of the participant

status: the status of the participant in the communication (see below)

hypertyURL: the Hyperty URL of the participant

identity: Information about the participant identity as defined by the User Identity model

resources: a list of Hyperty Resources supported by the Hyperty used by the participant as defined by the HypertyResource model


OPEN: Hyperty Resources can be shared in the communication

PENDING: Communication was created but no invited user has subscribed yet

CLOSED: Hyperty Resources can be shared in the communication

PAUSED: skip?

FAILED: communication creation failed for some reason eg no subscription received


Parent Communication Data Object:

  "startingTime" : "Thu Mar 02 2017 16:32:19 GMT+0000",
  "status" : "open",
  "participants" : {
    "user://myidp/" : {
      "hypertyURL": "hyperty://",
      "domain": "",
      "resources": ['chat','file'],
      "identity": { ... }
    "user://myotheridp/" : {
      "identity" : { ... }

Static Children Data Object:

  "parent" : "communication",
  "listener" : "resources",
  "type" : "HypertyResource"

Chat Message Example:

  "type" : "chat",
  "content" : "hello, this is my message"

File Example:

  "type" : "file",
  "mimetype" : "image/jpeg"
  "content" : "ÿØÿàJFIFHHÿáÒExifMM*.."