Google Fitness Protostub

Google Fitness Protostub

The Google Fitness Protostub is a Legacy Interworking Protostub to integrate with Google Fitness API.

The Protostub manages a Context Data Object reporter to handle user data collected from the Google Fit API for the following Resource Types:

  • walk_user_activity_context
  • user_bike_context
  • user__context

to be completed using as reference Google Fit Data Schema

The Protostub configuration includes:

The Stub includes the following components:

Mini BUS Message listener

Has a listener at minibus and processes received messages:

  • type = create and from = <runtimeUrl/sm>: These are invitation messages that are forwarded to “Subscription Manager”
  • all other messages (to be confirmed) are posted at Vertx Event BUS with sendMessage() to address with callback to handle replied message which are posted in the reTHINK Minibus as response messages.


It provides a create() function that invokes syncher.create() adding handlers to vertx event bus to new created data object URLs, where data received is written in the Data Object by calling contextReporter.setContext(..).

The create() function is invoked for each stream defined at config.streams using as initial data, data returned by the vertx Hyperty when requested by sending:

  type: read


Provides a function to subscribe a certain Data Object URL. An event handler is set for the subscribed Data Object changes, to publish them in the Vertx Event BUS using as address the Data Object URL.

Subscription Manager

The Subscription Manager has a message handler for invitations that is called by the protostub bus listener for create messages coming from the runtime sync manager and targeting vertx hyperties.

These invitations are forwarded to Vertx Event BUS with callback to handle responses as well as subscription requests i.e. eventBus.sendMessage(msg, callback) where callback has the logic to call invitationEvent.ack() from the syncher (or should we directly send the 200 ok response?).

But before invitations are sent to vertx, the subscription manager set vertx handlers to the from of the invitations, ie <objectUrl>/subscription, to be prepared to receive subscription requests from abstractHyperty.subscribe() that is used to call the Observer.subscribe() function defined above.

On the other side the Subscription Manager has an event bus handler set at <runtimeUrl>/sm to receive create requests from abstractHyperty.create() that is used to call the Reporter.create() function defined above.