The Wallet Hyperty manages a user’s cryptocurrency wallet.

This Hyperty observes a standard Wallet Data Object with:


To be completed.

 "scheme": "wallet",
  "balance": 230 } ]


The Wallet Hyperty provides an API to create and delete wallets, to monitor wallet balance and wallet transactions and to transfer tokens to other wallets. This API should be compliant with ERC20 API.


The Wallet Manager configuration comprises:

  walletManager: <wallet manager address>

start function

to be completed

This function requests the resume of a wallet created in previous sessions (Observation resume).

If the resume returns empty it means it is the first time and it requests the Wallet manager to create a new Wallet by sending the message specified here.

If the wallet is successfuly created, the wallet address is returned and subscribed.

<Promise> Wallet start( )


No input parameter.


A promise with the Wallet DataObject.

transfer function

It requests to transfer a certain amount of tokens to another wallet.

<Promise> transaction transfer( recipient, amount, description )


to be updated

The Hyperty descriptor is:

"UserAvailabilityReporter": {
  "sourcePackage": {
    "sourceCode": ""
    "sourceCodeClassname": "UserAvailabilityObserver",
    "encoding": "base64",
    "signature": ""
  "hypertyType": ["availability_context"],
  "cguid": 10004,
  "version": "0.1",
  "description": "Descriptor of UserAvailabilityObserver Hyperty",
  "objectName": "UserAvailabilityObserver",
  "configuration": {},
  "sourcePackageURL": "/sourcePackage",
  "language": "javascript",
  "signature": "",
  "messageSchemas": "",
  "dataObjects": [
  "accessControlPolicy": "somePolicy"

Since the Hyperty supports the standard wallet data schema, any Catalog URL for that schema can be used.