The Device Manager is able to manage IoT devices with its sensors / actuators (eg create, remove). It also allows to monitor data collected from these devices.

This Hyperty handles a standard Device Data Object with:


to be updated

 "scheme": "context",
 "id": "1276020076",
 "time": 1465070579,
 "values": [ {
  "type": "location_context",
  "unit": "lat",
  "value": 23.55052 },
   "scheme": "context",
   "id": "1276020076",
   "time": 1465070579,
   "values": [ {
    "type": "location_context",
    "unit": "lon",
    "value": -46.633309 }]


The Device Manager configuration comprises:

  deviceManager: <wallet manager server address>


The Device Manager Hyperty provides an API to create and remove devices, as well as to create and remove endpoints associated to it.


This function creates one device.

<Promise> createDevice()


No input parameter.


A promise with the new created Device data object.

Implementation notes

A execute type message is sent torwards <wallet manager server address> set in the configuration, having in the body createDevice function name.


This function removes one device.

boolean removeDevice(string deviceId)


deviceId - the id of the device to be removed.


A boolean is returned where true is for a successfull remove and false for a failed remove.

Implementation notes

A execute type message is sent torwards <wallet manager server address> set in the configuration, having in the body removeDevice function name and associated parameter.


This function creates one endpoint at one device.

<Promise> createEndpoint(string deviceId, string type, string name, string ?extId)


deviceId - the id of the device where the endpoint is created.

type - endpoint type ie “sensor” or “actuator”.

name - name to be given to the endpoint.

extId - (optional) to be used in case this is a virtual endpoint and data is coming from a separated device or plataform.


A promise with the new created Endpoint object.

Implementation notes

A execute type message is sent torwards <wallet manager server address> set in the configuration, having in the body createEndpoint function name with associated parameters.


This function removes one endpoint from the device.

boolean removeEndpoint(string name)


name - the id of the Endpoint to be removed.


A boolean is returned where true is for a successfull remove and false for a failed remove.

Implementation notes

A execute type message is sent torwards <wallet manager server address> set in the configuration, having in the body removeEndpoint function name and associated parameter.


to be updated

The Hyperty descriptor is:

"LocationObserver": {
  "sourcePackage": {
    "sourceCode": ""
    "sourceCodeClassname": "LocationObserver",
    "encoding": "base64",
    "signature": ""
  "hypertyType": ["location_context"],
  "cguid": 10004,
  "version": "0.1",
  "description": "Descriptor of LocationObserver Hyperty",
  "objectName": "LocationObserver",
  "configuration": {},
  "sourcePackageURL": "/sourcePackage",
  "language": "javascript",
  "signature": "",
  "messageSchemas": "",
  "dataObjects": [
  "accessControlPolicy": "somePolicy"

Since the Hyperty supports the standard context data schema, any Catalog URL for that schema can be used.