Survey hyperty

Survey hyperty

1. Survey hyperty functionality description.

Survey hyperty provide a mechanism to send surveys and to receive the results

##1.1 Data-schema used. It uses the Communication Data schema so it is compatible with any hyperty using the same data schema.

##2. Exposed API.

###2.1 SurveyReporter

####create To create a survey

#####Syntax create (survey, participants)

#####Params survey

Survey configuration in a plain text format {"title":"Tell us, what technologies do you use?","pages":[{"name":"page1","questions":[{"type":"radiogroup","choices":["Yes","No"],"isRequired":true,"name":"frameworkUsing","title":"Do you use any front-end framework like Bootstrap?"}]}


Participants Collection [{email:"", domain:"domain"}, ...]

#####Returned Value Returns a object to ask for survey results. This property resturns a collection of result in a text plain format.

[{"frameworkUsing":"Yes","framework":["Bootstrap"],"mvvmUsing":"Yes","mvvm":["KnockoutJS"],"about":"aaaa"}, ...]

#####How to use it. surveyHy.create(JSON.stringify(‘{pages:[{name:”page1”,questions:[{type:”checkbox”,choices:[“one”,{value:”two”,text:”second value”},{value:”three”,text:”third value”}],name:”question1”}]}]}’), [{email:’’, domain: ‘domain’}, …]) .then((survey)=>{ //survey.results })

###2.2 SurveyObserver

####onRequest Call a callback function when receives a survey request with a survey object.

#####Syntax onRequest (callback)

#####Params callback

Callback function to call when a survey request is received. It should accept a survey object.

#####Survey object A survey request returns a survey object. This contains the survey data and provides a way to answer the survey. // survey configuration
survey.answer(answer) // to answer the survey, it expects a answeer in plain text format

#####How to use it. surveyHy.onRequest(processRequest)

##3. Framework improvement proposals derived from Hyperty Survey development.

*Problems with the Communication schema 9 *Code to get Hyperties per user repeated in many hyperties 29