The Hello World Reporter is a very simple Hyperty to illustrate how Reporter Hyperties work. It works together with Hello World Observer Hyperty. It invites HelloWorldObserver hyperties by using its HypertyURL and publish changes made on the ‘hello’ Data Object.

This Hyperty handles a simple hello Data Object containing a single string hello property:

	"$schema": "",
	"id": "HelloObject",
	"type": "object",
	"required": ["hello"],
  "properties": {
		"scheme": {
			"constant": "hello"
		"hello": {
			"type": "string"


The HelloWorldReporter only provides two simple functions: hello and bye.


The hello function creates a new instance of ‘hello’ DataObjectReporter with initial data value “Hello Buddy!!”, and invites an HelloWorldObserver Hyperty to observe the ‘hello’ data object. The subscription request is automatically accepted and the response contains the initital data value of the ‘hello’ Data Object.

<Promise> DataObjectReporter hello(HypertyURL hyperty) )


hyperty the HypertyURL address of the HelloWorldObserver Hyperty to be invited.


The created hello DataObjectReporter.

How to use it

	console.log('Invitation sent with hello: ',;


This function changes the ‘hello’ object with an optional bye message string.

bye(string ?message)


message an optionl string message that is used to change the ‘hello’ Data Object. If not used, a default ‘bye bye!!’ string is used to change the Data Object.

How to use it



The Hyperty descriptor is:

"HelloWorldObserver": {
  "sourcePackage": {
    "sourceCode": ""
    "sourceCodeClassname": "HelloWorldObserver",
    "encoding": "base64",
    "signature": ""
  "hypertyType": ["hello"],
  "cguid": 10004,
  "version": "0.1",
  "description": "Descriptor of HelloWorldObserver Hyperty",
  "objectName": "HelloWorldObserver",
  "configuration": {},
  "sourcePackageURL": "/sourcePackage",
  "language": "javascript",
  "signature": "",
  "messageSchemas": "",
  "dataObjects": [
  "accessControlPolicy": "somePolicy"

Project Details

Date: Jun 1, 2015

Description: Simple Hello World Hyperty Reporter examples

Author: Paulo Chainho

Categories: hello-world

Tagged: hello-world

Client: reTHINK Project

Catalogue URL:

Live Demo: /demos/hello-world-reporter/

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